Magic Wands是來自Nashville, TN(田納西州納什維爾)的一個兩人(一男一女)樂團,成立於2008年,兩人認識且合作的原因滿有趣的,是因為男生(Chris)在Myspace發現了女生(Dexy)演唱的Teenage Love,之後Chirs就從LA到了Nashville, TN跟Dexy合作,Magic wands就此誕生。
感謝Beauty and the Beast讓我發現了Magic Wands。
follow me down to the astral ocean
where we can be something that you want to save
follow me down to the astral ocean
where we can be something that you want to save
you want to save
while we're staring
kissing in the stars
like a pyschedelic kaleidoscope of hearts
twist and turns
while it's getting bigger tonight
follow me down
follow me down
ooh, ooh
while we're staring
kissing in the stars
like a pyschedelic kaleidoscope of hearts
twist and turns
while it's getting bigger tonight
follow me down
follow me down
ooh, ooh
follow me down
follow me down
ooh, ooh